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Fruits and vegetables

At NATURATA you will find fresh daily fruit and vegetables, which have been organically and biodynamically farmed. Where possible, we will choose products that come from local and regional growers of organic and Demeter fruit and vegetables. Our aim is to support the growing and consumption of seasonal produce and to reduce the emissions linked to transport as far possible. If the Luxembourg availability is not sufficient or if certain fruits (for example, oranges and lemons) cannot be grown due to local climatic conditions, we will work with European partners. In addition, we also offer a selection of overseas organic and Demeter fruits, notably bananas, mangoes and avocados, sustainably farmed and fair trade.

In Luxembourg, we collaborate closely with the company BIO-Gaart Altréier, the projects Am Gaertchen from Diekirch and Am Gaertchen sud from Contern, as well as with the farms run by the Schanck family in Hupperdange, the Fischbach family in Enscherange and the Kleer family in Everlange. All are members of the Bio-Bauere-Genossenschaft Lëtzebuerg (BIOG) cooperative. On their way to us, most of the fruit and vegetables from these producers and other regional and European producers, and from outside Europe, pass through the organic wholesaler BIOGROS, which is part of the OIKOPOLIS group.

By buying fruit and vegetables from NATURATA, you are supporting the FAIR-BREEDING® project. Every year for more than ten years, we have earmarked 0.3% of our turnover in fruit and vegetables for growers working on the selection of organic and biodynamic fixed (i.e. reproducible) varieties of vegetables. We have been able to offer for sale the first results of this project: a fixed Demeter cauliflower, whose certificate declares it entirely for the public good, unlike the hybrid varieties from the multinational seed companies that dominate the market.