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Meat and sausage products

In our shops in Munsbach and Rollingergrund you will find butcher's counters of our own Naturata Bio Boucherie. In all Naturata shops without butcher counters, fresh organic meat and organic sausages are packaged and frozen meat is available in the self-service counters.

The assortment of our two Naturata organic boucherie counters is diverse: In addition to the best organic beef, veal, pork, lamb and poultry, we also stock well-known European specialities such as Bavarian white sausages, Spanish chorizo and Italian Parma ham. Our Luxembourgian sales classics include Wäinzoossiss, Rieslingspaschtéit, grilled sausage from our own production and Demeter salami from Schanck-Haff in Hupperdange. For quick meals, we offer homemade quiches, delicatessen salads and changing ready-made meals from the Munsbach Cuisine Artisanale of our sister company Biogros.

As a matter of principle, we only process and sell meat and sausages from organic and biodynamic farming - preferably from organic farmers from Luxembourg and the border region. In this way, we ensure species-appropriate, respectful and stress-free treatment of the animals from breading to slaughter. Our respect for animals is also characterised by the fact that we use as many animal ingredients as possible in our own production.

Among our most important partners are the Bio Boucherie Niessen, the abattoir in Ettelbruck, which is a member of the Interessegemeinschaft Vermarktung Lëtzeburger Biofleesch (Biomaufel brand), the families Weis (Roodt-Ell), Emering (Sprinkange) and Colling-von Roesgen (Colmar-Berg), La Provençale, as well as the Belgian organic poultry producers from the Liège-Chimay region.

Metzgertheke Merl Fleisch