Beetroot and smoked trout salad
Ideal as an appetiser or light main dish
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C (hot air). Place five small piles of NATURATA sea salt on a baking sheet covered in baking paper. Baste the beetroot with NATURATA sunflower oil then put each one on a pile of salt and roast in the oven for around 45 minutes. Use a knife to check that the beetroot are cooked then leave to cool in iced water.
2. Peel and dice the apples. Peel the beetroot (wearing gloves if necessary) and dice. Combine the diced beetroot with the horseradish and diced apple. Season with a little NATURATA salad oil, NATURATA white wine vinegar and NATURATA salt, sugar and pepper.
3. Serve the salad in a bowl or on small plates.
4. Remove the skin from the trout fillets if necessary and sprinkle the trout pieces over the salad.
this recipe was provided to us by: NATURATA AG