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Crispy chicken balls with mango and pineapple chutney

Exotisches Fingerfood für einen Sommer-Abend mit Familie und Freunden


1. Wash the chicken breasts and dry well. Cut half the chicken into small cubes and place in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Cut the remainder into larger cubes and set aside.

2. Crumble five NATURATA “galettes suédoises” oat biscuits.

3. Mix the lightly frozen diced chicken with the salt, adding the cream a bit at a time. Mix until you have a soft and smooth stuffing. Season the stuffing with black pepper and incorporate the larger cubes of chicken.

4. For the chutney, peel the pineapple and mango and cut into small cubes. Toast in a large pan without using oil. Add the red pepper, diced small. Leave to stew. Lastly, add the pineapple and mango chutney to the NATURATA green pepper and leave the dip to cool.

5. Shape the small stuffing balls and roll them in the “galettes suédoises” crumb coating. Fry the balls for about 5 minutes at 170 °C in a deep-fat fryer or in a frying pan using NATURATA cooking oil. Serve the balls hot, accompanied by the dip.

This recipe was provided to us by: NATURATA AG