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Grill Cheese Skewers

Recipe and photo: Liz Sinner - vegelizous

  1. Cut both grill cheeses into 12 equally sized pieces.
  2. Wash and cut all the vegetables into bite-sized pieces, leaving the cherry tomatoes whole.
  3. Thread the grill cheese, courgette, onion, aubergine, red pepper and tomatoes onto the skewers according to your preferences. If you have some vegetables left over, you can put them in a metal pan and grill them too, or fry them in a pan.
  4. Brush the vegetables with a little organic olive oil and fry in a grill pan for about 4 minutes on each side or on the grill until the vegetables and cheese are cooked through.
  5. To make the herb butter, stir the butter well until smooth. Add the finely chopped herbs, garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Serve with the skewers and fresh baguette or other side dish of your choice.