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Moroccan couscous salad with lemon yoghurt

To accompany a barbecue with oriental notes


1. Prepare 500 ml of NATURATA vegetable bouillon according to the packet instructions and pour the bouillon over the couscous. Put the lid on and leave to rest.

2. Wash the pepper, remove the stalk and seeds, and dice very finely. Peel the onion, cut in two and then slice finely. Chop the parsley and the rosemary separately and cut the tomatoes into quarters.

3. Heat the NATURATA olive oil in a frying pan and fry the diced pepper, onion slices and chopped rosemary. Finally, add the pistachios, raisins and cumin.

4. Put the couscous in a bowl and stir in the tomato quarters, the parsley and the fried ingredients. Season with NATURATA sea salt and pepper.

5. In a bowl, combine the Greek yoghurt with the fine lemon zest, the lemon juice and the NATURATA sea salt and lemon pepper. Serve the lemon yoghurt as an accompaniment to the couscous salad.

This recipe was provided to us by: NATURATA AG