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Organic stollen by Bakhaus with BIOG Stoffi

The syrup

1 Prepare the syrup the day before. To do this, heat the specified liquids over medium heat, dissolve the cane sugar, stirring constantly, and soak the dried fruit (sultanas and currants) and candied orange in it. Remove from the heat and place aside.

The dough

1. Combine the dry ingredients, then add the butter, egg and Stoffi bit by bit and knead thoroughly.

2. Drain and add the preserved fruits.

3. Form two stollen from the dough and place on a baking tray.

4. Bake at 180°C for 35 minutes.

5. Remove from the oven, brush with melted butter and sprinkle with cane sugar.

6. Once completely cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar.

7. The stollen can be stored for several weeks and only develop their full aroma after a while.